Chiropractic & Seasonal Allergies

Our spine affects nearly everything in your body through the central nervous system. Your spine and brain communicate to various parts of your body, including the parts that affect your immune system and impact the way your body reacts to allergens. A lack of communication between the spine, brain, and other parts of the body can lead to lower immunity which means your body will have a tougher time reacting to stressors. A benefit to ...
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Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy is Essential

Throughout the entire 9 months a mother’s body is going through so many incredible changes. Prenatal chiropractic adjustments ...
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Signs Your Infant Needs a Neurologically-Based Chiropractor

Signs your infant needs a neurologically-based chiropractor:-lift/hold their head up right after birth-roll to a favored side for ...
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When Will I See Progress

Many patients ask us "when will I begin to see progress?" We see a WIDE variety of symptoms ...
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Assessing Your Nervous System

Your central nervous system is housed in your head, neck and spine and then branches out to every ...
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Supporting Your Child

Parents… We know how much you do to help support your children. From dietary changes, to detoxes, health ...
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Healing Your Sensory Child

At Pure Light, our doctors specialize in caring for children with neuro-developmental challenges, including ADHD, autism, and sensory ...
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Common Symptoms We See in Kids

Common symptoms we see in kiddos: Re-occuring colds and lingering congestion Skin irritations such as eczema and dermatitis ...
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Mothers Need Support Too

So many mothers are so busy taking care of everyone else, they often do not take action or ...
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Postpartum Care is Essential

Postpartum care is ESSENTIAL for the WHOLE family! For mama, a healthy postpartum recovery is essential to establish ...
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Signs of an Overwhelmed Brain

Does your child: Go from 0 - 60 emotionally. Have intense anger outbursts. Have poor coordination. Can never ...
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Sensory Kiddo pt 3

This is part three of our Sensory Kiddo series - How do you heal your sensory child? First, ...
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Functioning in Harmony

The way the nervous system, and in a larger sense the entire mind and body, prefers to function ...
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Proper Breathing Techniques

What are things I can do in between adjustment visits to help calm and heal my nervous system? ...
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Our Health Journey is a Marathon

With every adjustment we are assessing your nervous system, and its ability to process day to day life. ...
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The Power of the Nervous System

We believe in the power of a healthy nervous system. Your brain and spinal cord coordinate and control ...
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Empowered Pregnancy & Birth 

At Pure Light, we strongly believe in empowered pregnancy & birth. We believe that a mama's intuition is ...
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Top Reasons to Bring Your Infant in for Chiropractic Care

Top reasons to bring your infant to a pediatric & brain based chiropractor: -Birth! Studies have shown that ...
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Cesareans Are Hard but Chiro Can Help

Cesarean birth can be harder on babies than we imagine. Cesarean-born babies have lower Apgar scores, more respiratory ...
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Bring Balance to Your Body

The healing process can feel overwhelming…and it is almost never linear. Just as it takes years to build ...
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Health is a Journey

Healing is a journey. This can be difficult to grasp when you or your child are on their ...
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Sensory Kiddo (Part 1)

We’ve all heard about sensory kiddos, but what exactly are you looking for and how do you know ...
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Functioning in Harmony

The way the nervous system, and in a larger sense the entire mind and body, prefers to function ...
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Left Brain Deficiency

The right and left sides of the brain each have unique functions and a child who experiences a ...
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Right Brain Deficiency 

The right and left sides of the brain each have unique functions and a child who experiences a ...
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Recovering from Birth

Birth recovery. Birth is often an overwhelming and intense experience for babies. Unfortunately, sometimes babies are injured in ...
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Why Am I Sick?

Why is it that some people get sick more often than others? Even in families, each person handles ...
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Creating New Patterns

Your chiropractic care at Pure Light is designed to create new patterns in your brain-body connection. We offer ...
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Gentle Chiropractic Care During Infancy

Gentle brain-based chiropractic care during infancy resolves the repercussions of birth and helps ensure good health and well ...
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The Brain-Body Connection

Your chiropractic care at Pure Light is designed to create new patterns in your brain-body connection. We offer ...
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What Do Pediatric Adjustments Look Like?

What does a pediatric adjustment look like? Children rest on a chiropractic table or on their parents’ lap. ...
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Thriving Chiro Kids!

You have probably already guessed this, but here at Pure Light we LOVE to see kids THRIVE! Most ...
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Postpartum Chiropractic Care

Postpartum is a tender and precious season with your newborn and it can often be a challenging time ...
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Weakened by Imbalances?

Are you weakened by imbalances in your body? Misalignments in your spine lead to muscular tension and irritation ...
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Learning Through Movement

Did you know that the brain learns through movement? Here are some great ways to integrate and help ...
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Sleep is Essential for Healing

Sleep is essential for healing. When you are experiencing stress and increased cortisol levels, it will often disrupt ...
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Benefits of Newborn Adjustments

At Pure Light, we love taking care of newborns. Why do perfect new babies need chiropractic adjustments? According ...
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Newborns & Home Visits

We hold a reverence for the days and weeks of rest after giving birth. This is why we ...
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The HUGE Impact of Gentle Adjustments

We use gentle adjustments for a reason. Your metabolic capacity is the maximum amount of input, or stimulus, ...
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Prenatal Between Adjustment Recommendations

5 Prenatal Recommendations to Support your Body’s Alignment In Between Adjustment Visits: Rock pelvis forward while sitting & ...
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Your Unique Healing Journey

Your health and healing journey is UNIQUE + your care plan should be too. ⁠ Your care at ...
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The Importance of Round Ligaments

What are the round ligaments and why are they important? The round ligaments hold the uterus up in ...
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Sphenobasilar Synchondrosis Dysfunction

Studies reveal that due to modern birthing practices — most babies (up to 99%) — experience dysfunction in ...
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5 Common Ways Mothers Become Overpowered

Mama bears - YOU HAVE POWER. Your sense of power isn’t coming from a heart posture of domination ...
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Nervous System Specialists

Our specialty is the nervous system. Traditionally — when many people think about chiropractic — they think about ...
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The Art of the Nervous System

While a local musical artist was observing her friend being adjusted the other day, she commented that it ...
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Adjustments & Detoxing

Everyone is unique and lives unique life experiences. Everyone’s nervous system functions and adapts to life in a ...
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Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in your body. It runs from your brain through the ...
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Central Pattern Generator

Have you ever heard of a central pattern generator (CPG)? Central pattern generators are neuronal circuits that, when ...
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Side Effects of Birth Control

Hormonal contraceptives work by suppressing your body’s natural production of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. If you ...
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Oral Ties & Chiropractic

Does your baby have a tongue tie or a lip tie? According to research, not all tongue and ...
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Your Brain on Pain

Did you know that your brain learns pain? The longer you have been experiencing symptoms of pain, the ...
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Postpartum Nutrition

When you enter the postpartum period it is essential to nourish your body. Your body is healing & ...
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Chiropractic Milestones

People come to us for different reasons at different stages in their healing & health journeys. Many people ...
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Nervous System Development

Did you know that the nervous system develops 1st in utero? It comprises of baby’s brain, spinal cord ...
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Birth Trauma & Chiropractic Care

Birth is something that happens every moment of every single day, everywhere is the world. Birth is a ...
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10 Steps to Regaining Your Health

We want you all to experience the best health possible. Often, as parents, our health can get pushed ...
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Do Symptoms Equal Sickness?

 Society tells us that symptoms = sickness. However, we know that even when your body is functioning the ...
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Autonomic Nervous System

Your autonomic nervous system (ANS) is responsible for doing all of the daily things in your body that ...
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Partner Support Pregnancy & Birth

Whether it is your 1st child or your 4th, making sure your partner feels supported during pregnancy, birth, ...
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Heart Rate Variability

Here at Pure Light, our doctors always start and check progress with Insight scans. This incredible technology gives ...
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Benefits of Newborn Adjustments

Stress in your nervous system can begin in utero, and during the birth process. Even in the most ...
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Why would I bring my baby to see a chiropractor?

Studies show that 99% of births create dysfunction in the neck and cranium. The number one cause? Excessive ...
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Preconception Wellness

Whether or not you are actively planning on conceiving, it is important for your hormones that you focus ...
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Fire Water Recipe

Fire Water Recipe:2 oz of apple cider vinegar10 oz of hot water1-2 tsp of raw honey1/4 fresh squeezed ...
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Keep Your Immune System STRONG

Here’s how to keep your immune system STRONG during this holiday season… Don’t just try to avoid germs, ...
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Homemade Marshmallow Recipe

Here is a recipe that we have been so excited to share! Grass-fed gelatin is so good for ...
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Dear Moms and Dads

Dear new mamas and dads, If life feels really hard right now… It’s because it is! Yes, having ...
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Pediatric Ear Infections

There are two different kinds of ear infections. The first is otitis media which is an infection in ...
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Different Adjusting Styles

What are the differences between instrument adjustments, drop table adjustments, and manual adjustments? This is a common question ...
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Chicken Soup Recipe

This recipe by Chef Ronny from @primal_gourmet is one of our absolute favorites when we are feeling under ...
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6 Ways to Support Your Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important functions of the body but there are so many things that ...
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Non-Toxic Cleaner

Many conventional cleaning products are full of harmful and toxic chemicals. They can wreak havoc on our endocrine ...
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Impact Arthrostim

When our nervous systems are performing optimally, the messages that travel through our nervous system and into our ...
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Support During Transitions

The team at Pure Light has gone through a lot of transitions, individually and collectively over the past ...
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Barefoot Grounding

When we walk on dirt, grass, or sand without shoes we are allowing our feet to build up ...
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3 Stressor for Kiddos

3 things that cause our kiddos stress during the back to school season: Late bed times followed by ...
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Morning Routine

What does your morning look like? Beginning with a life-giving routine can help support healing and growth. Here ...
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Set Your Goals

What are your health goals for you and your family? What are the health outcomes of the choices ...
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Birth Trauma & Chiro Care

The infant’s ability to suck, swallow, and breath during feeding is controlled by: 6 cranial nerves & 60 ...
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Milestones Matter

The order of developmental milestones matter. We talk a lot about developmental milestones in our pediatric population and ...
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Your Nervous System Leads You

Your nervous system leads you.It leads how you move, think, adapt, create, heal and grow. When your nervous ...
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Cold Water Immersion

It is going to be a very hot week in Central Oregon! Let's talk about cold immersion!Summer time ...
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Support In-Between Visits

One of the biggest goals we set for every single person we care for is to help build ...
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It’s Summer Time

This week is the official start of summer for most of kiddos - yay! Here are some tips ...
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C-Sections and Chiro Care

C-section births and the necessity of infant chiropractic care: Cesarean births, or what we like to call “belly ...
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FAQ Friday!

FAQ FRIDAY! “My baby DOES NOT LIKE tummy time. They cry and yell at me the entire time. ...
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Proactive Choices for Expecting Moms

Hey expecting mamas! Want to make conscious & proactive choices to have a healthy pregnancy, prepare for birth ...
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Tongue & Lip Tie

Tongue and lip ties are not just about breastfeeding and speech… Tongue ties can affect the physiological structure ...
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Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care

If a mother’s pelvis is misaligned and her sacrum is rotated… how is that going to affect her ...
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Cold Water Therapy

Have you ever tried cold water therapy? It is a great way to appreciate the cold and use ...
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FAQ Friday

FAQ Friday🤩“Is there anything I can do at home to help with the healing process?” We have been ...
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C H I R O K I D S !

C H I R O K I D S ! We wholeheartedly believe that it is essential to ...
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Advocating for Your Children

At Pure Light,We believe ALL parents should be informed advocates for their children from preconception and beyond. We ...
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Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy

Round ligament pain during pregnancy — common but not normal. The round ligaments suspend the uterus and they ...
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A Healthy Vagus Nerve

Creating balance and proper activation of the vagus nerve is a focus of every adjustment at Pure Light ...
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Toxic Products: What to look for?

Living in the world that we do, we are bound to come into contact with many toxic chemicals ...
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Perspective and Healing

Perspective is a key factor in the healing process. It would be amazing if healing happened in a ...
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Is Being Healthy Easy?

We are certain that all truly healthy people would say the answer is no. It takes commitment and ...
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Developmental Milestones: Crawling

CRAWLING IS VERY IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONE! Proper crawling involves a cross-crawl pattern with the arms and legs that ...
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Reflexes in Children

Why do you check so many reflexes on my child during their evaluation? Primitive reflexes are reflexes that ...
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Colicky to Calm

Colicky to calm. Five nightly wakes up to sleeping through the night. Outrageous tantrums to normal frustrations. Impossible ...
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Start Healing Your Nervous System Today!

We will always be honest with you about what it takes to meet you and your family’s health ...
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The Central Nervous System

“Woah…it’s really that simple!? ”When a parent has a moment about what we do and understands it on ...
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Stress in the Nervous System

Have you ever considered how the stress that a mother experiences pre-conceptively, while pregnant and birthing can directly ...
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Breathing Techniques

What are things I can do in between adjustment visits to help calm and heal my nervous system? ...
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8 Conscious Choices for a Healthy Pregnancy:

8 Conscious Choices for a Healthy Pregnancy: Reduce EMFs Limit Plastics Swap out all beauty and cleaning products ...
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An Overwhelmed and Overstimulated Brain

“Their tantrums are out of control.” “They can’t handle the loud sounds or the constant chatter of their ...
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The Webster Technique

The Webster Technique is a gentle method of adjusting the pelvis. A balanced and well-adjusted pelvis allows for ...
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FAQ Friday!

FAQ Friday! “Why do you always check my feet during adjustments?” We get this question every now and ...
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Taking Care of Mom!

So many mothers are so busy taking care of everyone else, they often do not take action or ...
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Solution Focused > Problem Focused 

Solution focused > problem focused.  Instead of only focusing on your pain or symptoms, we are trained brain-based ...
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Sleep Challenges

Adapting to sleep challenges is one of the toughest parts of parenting that can lead to frustration, desperation, ...
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Stressed-Out Kiddos?

Do you have a stressed-out kiddo? Here are some common signs: ⁃ Difficult mornings ⁃ “After school” melt-downs ...
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Strong Immunity

Here’s how to keep your immune system STRONG during this holiday season…Don’t just try to avoid germs, but ...
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Head Down Positioning 

Head down positioning.  As you prepare for birth and your estimated due date draws near, it is well ...
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Your health is determined by approximately 5% of your genetics and 95% of your environmental influences. Have you ...
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THE Webster Technique

THE Webster Technique - WHAT is it and WHY it matters: The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic ...
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A Balanced Central Nervous System

You cannot build a house of health upon a faulty neurological foundation. Promoting proper function of the central ...
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Thriving Nervous Systems

What if fatigue, irritability, allergies, sensory overwhelm, learning difficulty, and frequent illness aren’t the brain doing something wrong, ...
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Nursing Challenges

Helping new moms and their babies overcome latching and nursing challenges is something we do every single day ...
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Tummy Time

Tummy time simply involves laying your baby on their tummies while they are awake. This exercise promotes strength ...
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We often recommend ‘earthing’ or grounding’ to families - which is simply walking outside barefoot. This practice is ...
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Home Visits

Home visits - such an honor to be welcomed into the sacred birth and postpartum space. The doctors ...
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The Motherhood Journey

Caring for mamas throughout their motherhood journey is truly an honor and such a joy!⁠⁠ The prenatal chiropractic ...
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“Limbic Lock”

When emotions & fear go up, IQ goes down. When you are feeling emotions, anxiety and fear in ...
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Healthy Sleep

We love being able to dig a little deeper to optimize your nervous system. A huge factor in ...
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Clear, Connected, and Healthy Kiddos

Clear, connected, and healthy kiddos. A rare occurrence in 2021. Why is this true? Our mainstream culture promotes ...
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Crocodile Breathing

Crocodile Breathing. Have you heard of this technique? If you are a part of our tribe, you know ...
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Advocating For Your Children

At Pure Light, we believe ALL parents should be informed advocates for their children from preconception and beyond. The ...
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Is being healthy easy?

Is being healthy easy? We are certain that all truly healthy people would say the answer is no. ...
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Accelerating The Healing Journey!

When you and your family come in for your restorative & wellness adjustments, you have the benefit and ...
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Let’s Talk about Toxins!

Let's talk about toxins. Toxins and chemicals are huge stressors to your nervous system as well as to ...
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Chiropractic Care after Birth

Chiropractic care immediately after birth and through every stage helps your child to express more of who they ...
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Chiropractic Technology

We love to hear that you and your family are FEELING better while under care with us, BUT ...
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‘Tend and Befriend”

Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘Tend and Befriend?' The discussion around how our nervous system responds ...
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How Chiropractic Affects Balance and Coordination

A daily testimonial we hear at Pure Light is that our people are experiencing improved balance and coordination. ...
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The Power of Natural Labor and Birth

The power of natural labor and birth is coordinated by the hormone, oxytocin.⁠⁠This hormone gradually causes the uterus ...
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Over Stressed Nervous Systems

When our nervous systems are overly stressed, sleep can become very challenging. No one likes to toss and turn ...
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Surrender. Surrendering is a principle we live by.  It’s simple, yet so complex. We stopped trying to manifest ...
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5 Self-Care Tips for Parents:⁠⁠

5 Self-Care Tips for Parents:⁠⁠ 1. Don’t sweat the small stuff - let the little things go. It ...
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Let’s Talk Labor

What starts labor? ⁠⁠It’s not like there’s an email blast sent out to the body.⁠⁠It’s not like an ...
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Plant the Seed

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created ...
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The Power of Tonal Adjustments

“I try to tell my friends and family about how your care is different from other chiropractors but ...
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The Top 4 ways to Optimize Your Family’s Health⁠⁠

The Top 4 ways to Optimize Your Family’s Health⁠⁠ 1.) Sunshine - 10 minutes of direct sun exposure ...
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Stress and the Nervous System

Have you ever considered how the stress that a mother experiences pre-conceptively, while pregnant and birthing can directly ...
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The Importance of Chiropractic Care for Newborns

We often talk about the importance of chiropractic care for newborns due to the intense nature of birth ...
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A Well-Coordinated Latch

A well-coordinated latch has a number of steps that have to happen in the right order.⁠⁠ The jaw ...
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It takes a Village to Support a New Mother

First time mothers are full of so much love, hope, excitement, possibility, uncertainty, exhaustion and a full spectrum ...
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Chiropractic Adjustments after Birth

Birth is often an overwhelming stimulus to a baby.  The birth experience becomes imprinted and deeply rooted in ...
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Stress in Today’s World

The majority of health challenges in babies, children and adults boil down to this one BIG factor...Stress. When ...
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When emotional reactions over power rational thoughts & behaviors…

When emotional reactions over power rational thoughts & behaviors... You yell at your kids over trivial things. Your ...
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Commitment. Consistency. Change.

We will always be honest with you about what it takes to meet you and your family’s health ...
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Living Holistically

In order to always be one step ahead of antiquated research, simply use common sense. We live in ...
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Birth Trauma

Think about how delicate a new baby is...Now imagine the stress of the birth process and added birth ...
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What is your health paradigm?

What is your health paradigm? Do you make choices to avoid pain and loss or do you make ...
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Life in Synchronization

Life wants to be in synchronization. Your body wants to be healthy! The nervous system is the master ...
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The Gravity of Growth Mode

It is a common yet always profound experience for us when new parents explain to us that after ...
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Unwinding Baby Stress

We have had SO MANY new babies express a common thread in our office recently…They have been uncomfortable, ...
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The Road Less Travelled

Recently, a friend sent me a picture of his daughter and his niece sitting on the floor together. ...
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How can baby be impacted by pregnancy and birth?

How can baby be impacted by pregnancy and birth? Due to a variety of stressors, many mothers carry ...
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5 Essentials to Raising a Super Human Toddler

5 Essentials to raising a Super Human Toddler We tell parents all the time, “You have to create ...
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Swaddling and Sensory Self-Soothing

Swaddling and Sensory Self-Soothing We love to empower and guide parents to help make your new role easier. ...
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The Science Behind The Adjustment

A Mom said to us the other day, “I am so excited to get my kiddo under chiropractic ...
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Seasons of Parenthood

We embrace the change of seasons four times per year.These equinoxes and solstices are a natural rhythm that ...
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Stress Overload & Emotional Outbursts

One of the most common reasons parents bring their kiddos in to see us for care is for ...
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Dear Expecting Mamas

Dear Expecting Mama,You do not need to hold the whole world on your shoulders.Politics. Wildfires. Pandemics. Social Issues.There ...
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Health is Everything

HEALTH IS EVERYTHING.When diving into education surrounding conscious pregnancy, birth, and parenting — it becomes very apparent how ...
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Balance your brain!

Since 80% of the central nervous system is located in the brain, correcting cranial imbalances is vital to ...
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Healing is a Journey

Healing is a journey.This can be difficult to grasp when you or your child are on their healing ...
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Let’s Talk Teething!

We get asked all the time by parents if their baby could be teething..Teething often starts around 4 ...
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Barefoot is Best!

Feet are among the most sensory-rich parts of the human body. The soles of the feet are extremely ...
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Early Signs of Sensory / Spectrum Tendencies

Infants and toddlers showing signs of sensory / spectrum tendencies...Gosh, this one breaks our hearts but there can ...
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Functioning in Harmony

The way the nervous system, and in a larger sense the entire mind and body, prefers to function ...
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The Power of Love

We often hear anxiety in a parent’s voice as they explain what symptoms their kids are expressing.Parents often ...
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“What Concerns Me”

Dr. David was interviewed by Joshua Langlais from A Community Thread in 2018 for a publication. Check out ...
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Your Beliefs Rule Your Life

At the moment of conception, more than 400 million sperm seek to find one egg. Out of the ...
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Prenatal & Postpartum Chiropractic FAQ

1. What is the most common question you get from pregnant women? New moms? The most common question ...
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5 Tips for More Focus, Immunity & Happiness this School Year

The school year is in full swing…how are you feeling? Stressed? Anxious? Or EXCITED? The different feelings that ...
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Parenting is Hard

Written by Dr. David Why do we always fluff our lives on social media? We make everything look ...
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The Immune System 101

Reality check: our mainstream education does not teach us how to build a strong immune system. How our ...
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Are Ear Infections Normal?

Ear infections are the #1 reason that families visit the pediatrician's office. Ear infections are very common, but ...
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Conscious Fatherhood

What we know is that now more than ever, our world is in desperate need of the conscious ...
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The Core of a Healthy Immune System

Imbalances in our expressions of health are caused by patterns of interference that exist in the body. A ...
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Do Experiences in Utero Have a Lasting Impact?

Let's consider the astounding fact that two cells meet inside a woman's womb to begin the development of ...
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Tummy Time

Tummy time has become a popular phrase and well-known exercise in the parenting world. It simply involves laying ...
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Are Baby Jumpers Safe?

Creating your shopping list and gift registry when you are expecting a new baby can be fun, exciting, ...
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Your Best Is Good Enough

Reflections on the article from The Chicago Tribune: New Parents, Take a Deep Breath. Welcoming a new baby ...
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Developmental Milestones

A father recently disclosed to us that another healthcare professional told him that crawling is not a developmental ...
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The Healing Power of the Sun

Sunlight is the source of all life on Earth. With the warm, sunny season of Central Oregon upon ...
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Wholesome Nourishment from Mom

The most beneficial and vitally important thing you can provide your new baby - second to love and ...
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The Biggest Lie

We had so many conversations last week about symptoms and conditions. We love these conversations because... It creates ...
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