Let’s Talk Teething!


We get asked all the time by parents if their baby could be teething.
Teething often starts around 4 to 5 months but some babes start earlier or later.
Symptoms that we see with teething are:
-Runny nose or clear mucus
-Irritated ears or pulling on ears
-Excessive drooling
-Chewing on their fingers and anything else they can get in their mouths
-Low grade fever
-Picky eating or difficulty nursing
-Disrupted or abnormal sleep patterns
-Constipation or diarrhea
The typical symptoms can often be misdiagnosed as a cold or sinus infection, ear infection, flu, or digestive issues.
Parents often report that their child is constantly pulling on one ear or the other and they are concerned about an ear infection.
The area may simply be irritated (red, swollen and/or painful) due to teething, because the ears are close to the gums and mouth and often react when this area is under stress.
Teething can lead to some challenging, exhausting nights. As parents, we wish we could snap our fingers and make it better.
Teething is something all babies must go through.
There are natural, holistic options to help ease their aches and pains.
Medications that are used to suppress the low-grade fever can interfere with their bodies ability to adapt and can sometimes do more harm than good.
Parents often report that freezing a wash cloth that your child can chew on can bring some pain relief and decrease the inflammation. We often suggest parents do a gentle massage along their jaw line or on their gums to ease pain. Certain EO along the outside of their jaw that have been diluted with coconut oil can be beneficial.
Recognizing that your child might be teething helps to put your mind at ease.
Many parents have reported improvements in their child’s teething discomforts while under chiropractic care.
Gentle adjustments to the upper cervical spine can help their little bodies adapt and function at their best.

If your child is experiencing challenges with teething, reach out to us to see how we can help!