Support During Transitions

Support During Transitions

The team at Pure Light has gone through a lot of transitions, individually and collectively over the past year.

Here are a few things we have done to help navigate all of the changes that we recommend:

  • Create time to write down how transitions in your life have affected you. Great questions to ask are: did I receive a new title? New rhythm in sleep, or day-to-day activities? New environment? All of these changes can create a big impact, and it’s okay to celebrate change and recognize loss at the same time.
  • Get outside! This is so crucial to help process transition and cultivate joy
  • We all love getting adjusted weekly. Creating balance in the nervous system is essential for navigating big (and small) decisions
  • Find your people that will listen without judgement and cheer you on

We honor all the transitions in your life, and we can’t wait to see what is next.