Left Brain Deficiency


The right and left sides of the brain each have unique functions and a child who experiences a deficiency in either side can become labeled as developmentally delayed.

The right brain primarily develops in utero and the first two years of life and then transitions to primarily left brain development from ages two to six. If this brain lateralization pattern is out of balance due to physical, emotional, or chemical stressors during pregnancy, birth or early life, it can lead to poor coordination, delayed motor development, delayed language development, autoimmunity and dysautonomia.

The left brain functions include small muscle movements and fine motor skills, verbal skills and language development as well as ability to read, write and speak. The left side of the brain learns literally and consciously and is linear and logical. It allows for pattern recognition and favors routines. The left side of the brain focuses on small details.

The immune system is activated by the left side when needing to deal with an infection by promoting antibody formation and it also stimulates the growth of lymphoid tissue. Children with left brain deficiencies get symptomatic often when exposed to pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. Chronic ear infections and numerous rounds of antibiotics in childhood are also common in left brain deficiencies.

Other symptoms of left brain deficiencies include being overly concerned with their appearance, highly social behavior, and heart arrhythmias.

Left brain deficiencies are often diagnosed as Dyslexia, processing disorders, central auditory processing disorder, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, learning disabilities, language and reading disorders, acalculia, and selective mutism.

Specific brain-based chiropractic care can determine if your child has a R/L brain deficiency and move them towards balance, healing, and optimal success in life.

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