The HUGE Impact of Gentle Adjustments

Huge Impact of Gentle Adjustments

We use gentle adjustments for a reason.

Your metabolic capacity is the maximum amount of input, or stimulus, your nervous system can process without going into a state of overwhelm. Overwhelm occurs when the nervous system is unable to adapt to the intensity or frequency of a specific event or stimulus. When your metabolic capacity is exceeded, you experience a lot of symptoms of stress & inflammation and begin to mentally & emotionally shut down.

When you are in this state and you receive a gentle adjustment, it has a HUGE impact. Receiving a low-force & specific adjustment promotes adaptability to stress by creating new neural pathways.

Your nervous system is able to learn from nourishing adjustments. With time and consistency, you create a very strong connection to peace…instead of overwhelm.

Whether you are coming into Pure Light to receive healing from symptoms, or wanting to elevate your health to the next level, we know that deep healing is in store for you and your family.

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