Partner Support Pregnancy & Birth


Whether it is your 1st child or your 4th, making sure your partner feels supported during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is vitally important. Here are some of the different ways you can support your partner during this special season! 


Partner – You need a tribe! You need people that can support you with real life stuff and bounce thoughts and ideas off of. 

Get yourself healthy! Get adjusted. Make sure your diet is healthy. Move your body. Stay consistent in your mindfulness and prayer. Make sure your relationship with God is strong. Do all of the things that will make you the strongest and most grounded you can be. This will help you handle all of the ups and downs that pregnancy can bring your partner. 

Do exercises with your partner! This could be spinning babies or another pregnancy focused program for momma’s to be. 

Consider and process all of the different ways your birth can go, both the desired and undesired! What would happen if…? When you have entertained the idea, you can prepare yourself and be ready for whatever happens!

Read books about pregnancy and birth! We recommend Husband Coached Childbirth by Dr. Bradley. It will teach you about natural physiological birth and how to support your partner during the process. 

Give your partner a nightly magnesium belly rub.

Do not make your partner feel badly because you have taken over the majority of the cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc. This is a very delicate time in your partner’s life where they do need more support as they grow this new human being within their womb. 

Watch birthing videos so that you can prepare yourself for what a natural birth actually looks like.

Make a birthing music playlist together.

Train together in some kind of birthing technique like hypnobirthing! 

Cook meals ahead of time and freeze them. 

Have your friends set up a meal train for you!


Hire a doula, especially if you are going to have a hospital birth. But you know your partner best, pay attention to the tone in the room, watch your partner for cues if they are uncomfortable, in their birthing zone, etc. 

Be there every step of the way while your partner is in labor. 


Wear your baby: This helps your baby get to know you, your smell, your energy, your heartbeat, etc. You can also wear your baby for naps and go for walks! 

Make your partner a sitz bath tea and have it ready in the fridge. You can get a perineum spray bottle where your partner can use this to help the healing process and make things more comfortable.

Make sure that guests come to help and not just to see the baby! You shouldn’t have to do it alone and having friends come to offer support is another great way to make sure mom and baby have their needs met too! 

We recommend baby Blues by WishGarden to help ease your partners emotions as they experience the huge postpartum hormone shift.

Focus on warming foods during the postpartum season. 

Let her rest and take care of her body during the 4th trimester. 

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