6 Ways to Support Your Sleep


Sleep is one of the most important functions of the body but there are so many things that can disrupt our ability to get the best sleep we can. Ideally there are 5 parts to our sleep cycle, each of which lasts approximately 90 minutes. However, we are focusing on the 3rd and 4th stages of sleep! 

If your body is unable to reach REM, you will not be able to physically heal or refresh your mind. REM sleep is absolutely essential for your overall health and wellbeing.  Here are 5 things you can implement today to help support your best sleep:

  1. Blue Light Blockers. When blue light hits your eyes, melanopsin cells tell your body that it is time to wake up and signals to your body to produce cortisol and adrenaline. This is why it is so important to avoid screens for the last few hours before bed. RA Optics and TrueDark blue light blockers are a great option. They also offer red light glasses to help support the ideal circadian rhythm we would have had prior to technology. Our bodies are designed to rise and fall with the sun! 
  2. Night Time Power Hour. During the first 20 minutes, focus on doing the activities that bring you stress in the morning. This could look like packing lunches, doing laundry, doing the dishes or even setting out clothes for the next morning! The second 20 minutes should be focused on sleep hygiene. You could take a shower, brush your teeth, and get ready for bed. The third 20 minutes should be focused on relaxing your body and mind. Try Wim Hof style breathing. If you are pregnant try diaphragmatic breathing. You could stretch. Anything that helps your body and mind wind down for the evening. 
  3. Make adjustments to your morning routine. Get sunlight within 15 to 20 minutes of waking if possible! Sunlight is a natural source of blue light and will signal your body to produce adrenaline and cortisol. As much as most of us enjoy a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, it is ideal to wait 90 minutes after waking so that your adrenaline and cortisol hormone cycle before introducing stimulation. Other things you could try include:
    • Go for a walk
    • Take a cold shower

 All of these morning tips will help you set your body up to be ready to go to bed when nighttime arrives. 

  1. Be mindful of the temperature. When your body temperature drops, your body releases melatonin. This drop usually happens between 1 and 3 PM which is why we hit that afternoon slump. If you notice yourself getting tired in the afternoons, try going outside and recharging in the sun to reactivate your adrenaline and cortisol. Another tip is to try keeping your bedroom on the cooler side. Science shows us that the ideal temperature for a good night’s rest is 65 degrees fahrenheit! 
  2. Be mindful of caffeine and alcohol consumption! These natural chemicals can stimulate our bodies and cause us to sleep poorly. Adenosine is a molecule in the body that is responsible for energy transference between cells. Adenosine and caffeine have almost the same molecular structure other than one molecule. The caffeine we consume will go in and block the adenosine receptors, which then causes our brain to signal to the body that we need more adenosine to compensate for the caffeine. This process is another contributor to daytime drowsiness and our afternoon slump, which can drive anyone towards that late-in-the day cup of coffee. This starts a vicious cycle because caffeine suppresses melatonin and can have effects lasting up to 8 hours, so it is best to stop drinking coffee around 2 PM!  Caffeine and alcohol block us from falling into deeper REM cycles which is where we heal and restore. Being mindful of how these substances affect our body and our sleep is essential! 
  3. Receive brain-based chiro care! Above all else, having your nervous system supported & balanced through regular brain-based chiropractic care will help improve your sleep!
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