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Soothed & Settled: How Chiropractic Care Creates Calm & Consoled Babies

Soothed & Settled: How Chiropractic Care Creates Calm & Consoled Babies


Soothed & Settled: How Chiropractic Care Creates Calm & Consoled Babies
Most new parents struggle when their baby is unsettled. It’s hard enough to adapt and care for a tiny human, but it takes an immense amount of energy and patience when that baby is uncomfortable and unwell.
Common concerns:
Inconsolably crying for hours per day, particularly in the late afternoon and evening
A distended abdomen
Flexed-up legs and hands held in tight fists because of pain
Your infant may seek pain relief through frequent feeding and for longer periods
Your infant may arch their back and pull away from the breast
Reflux may be excessive, and sometimes projectile
Short-term relief is gained by being held or rocked
You may notice an uneven head shape beginning to develop
If your new baby exhibits any of the above symptoms, tune into this webinar with Dr. Sarah to learn how gentle, pediatric chiropractic care can help!

Event Details

Date & Time

March 14, 2022 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm UTC+0


Online Event