tailored care through every
stage of life.
Pregnancy is an amazing time in life. Women’s bodies put forth heroic effort to create and sustain life. It is during this time that the innate wisdom of their bodies and their nervous systems are given the opportunity to shine. From the moment of conception, a magnificent cascade of events takes place in perfect coordination. This innate wisdom, like a conductor, beautifully orchestrates its symphony of hormonal, cellular, and structural fluctuations via the nervous system. It is of utmost importance that the nervous system is in balance throughout pregnancy. When a mother’s nervous system is strong, her baby can be strong.
Prenatal chiropractic adjustments help expectant mothers to have a balanced nervous system and structure, which is vital to the development of her baby. A mother’s pelvis must be in a state of harmony not only for her comfort but also for her baby’s comfort. If there is structural harmony, growth and development are effortless, she is better able to adapt to her changing body, and pregnancy is so much more enjoyable.
The doctors at Pure Light Family Chiropractic are certified in the well-known Webster Technique by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. It is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment for pregnant mothers that reduces interference to the nervous system and balances pelvic muscles and ligaments. This adjustment optimizes uterine function and allows for a safer, easier birth for mom and baby. It is a gentle method of adjusting mom’s pelvis in order to reduce uterine constraint and allow the baby to move freely into the best position possible for birth. Simply stated, a balanced pelvis and optimally positioned baby make for an easier labor and delivery. Well-informed birth professionals love to hear that their moms are receiving Webster Technique because it significantly reduces complications and labor time.
Chiropractic care immediately after birth and through every stage of life helps your child to express more of who they truly are. A difficult birth can cause trauma and underlying injury to your newborn's spine and central nervous system.
As your child continues to grow and develop, their spine undergoes various levels of stress as they learn to walk, crawl, play and become involved in sports and activities. Kids are enduring more physical, chemical, and emotional stress today than ever before and it is coming at them faster and earlier than any generation before them. Many of these experiences result in interference to the nervous system of your child.
Pediatric chiropractic involves gentle, specialized techniques for the tiniest of newborns throughout all stages of childhood to create higher levels of health expression. We use gentle adjusting techniques that allow your baby or child to feel comfortable, safe, and nurtured. As children get older, we talk with them about how their body works. Their questions are terrific and we are always amazed by their insight! Connecting children to the innate wisdom of their bodies is something we treasure.
We use very gentle adjusting techniques that allow newborns, babies, and children to feel comfortable, safe, and nurtured. Light touch and sustained pressure — the same amount of pressure to check the ripeness of a tomato — is all it takes to balance their little bodies.
No matter how much your child likes to move, from squirmy infants, rough and tumble toddlers, or children on the spectrum, we make the adjustments fun and comfortable to meet your child’s individual needs.
We are proud to be a family practice – taking care of infants to grandparents! The majority of our practice is built upon family wellness – chiropractic adjustments to make sure each person’s nervous system, immune systems and development are as optimal as possible. Chiropractic adjustments promote health and optimize human performance through every stage of life.
If you are looking to give your family the advantage of true health care - promoting a healthy lifestyle and not just chasing symptoms - then you have found the right place. Our care is centered upon addressing the root cause of you and your family’s challenges. -
Stress on the central nervous system can happen in many ways such as learning to walk, falls, giving birth or being born, pollutants in the air and water, alcohol, medications, relationships, pressure at work, financial stress...just to name a few!
When your central nervous system experiences stress, the result is a decrease in the communication pathway between your brain and every cell, tissue, and organ of your body. This lack of communication can manifest in your body as sensory disorders, lack of coordination, frequent sickness, digestive problems, breathing issues, fatigue, and many more.
Our focus is to find these areas of interference and correct them with gentle, specific chiropractic adjustments. The result of the chiropractic care at our office, for all ages, includes you and your family experiencing more balance in mind, body and spirit, more adaptability to the stresses of daily life, accelerated healing, and optimal bodily function.
Hormone release and regulation are coordinated and controlled by the nervous system’s ability to signal and sequence hormones. Stress on a woman’s nervous system can inhibit this coordination. When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol, which inhibits the release of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Oftentimes, anxiety, menstrual irregularities, cramping, stress, low energy, and tension in the neck and shoulders are directly related with this constant stress.
A well-adapted nervous system that isn’t constantly in fight-or-flight mode is essential for conception of your baby to occur and sustain itself. Our doctors have a great deal of experience helping couples navigate through their fertility challenges and achieve their desired pregnancies.
Disconnected Kiddos
Our doctors are pediatric-certified chiropractors and they both specialize in caring for children with neuro-developmental disorders, including ADHD, autism, and sensory processing disorder. The biggest goal of care is to help these children turn their quirks and differences into superpowers!
When working with families, we have a true passion for providing awareness, answers, and most of all, hope to families who struggle with these challenges. Gentle adjustments calm their nervous systems to allow their unique amazingness to shine through - whether it is extreme detail to numbers, patterns, and colors or being able to “feel” more strongly than their peers. We view their sensory and spectrum challenges as a way of expressing themselves, and we love seeing their individual personalities and quality of life begin to blossom as chiropractic care becomes a part of their healthy lifestyle.
One final thought to ease your worries if you're a parent to a child with sensory challenges or neuro-developmental delays: we recognize that going into busy, public spaces can be very tough for your kiddos at times. We gladly offer special accommodations in these cases and provide a specific sensory-based assessment for your child. Please let us know before your first visit how we can best serve you and your family. Phone consultations, split office appointment times, or blocked off hours for an in-office examination are just a few of the accommodations that we are happy to provide to make your child feel more at home. Take a deep breath, moms and dads; we've got you!
A healthy postpartum recovery is essential to establish breastfeeding, help your family adjust to the newest addition (whether it’s the first child or beyond), and to promote a mother’s emotional and physical health. During the fourth trimester, which is unique to each mother, the hormonal system and nervous system are adapting to the absence of baby in the womb. The entire body is also healing from 9 months of pregnancy-related changes and your unique experience of birth. Postpartum chiropractic adjustments aid beautifully in this process to help your body recover strong and resilient allowing you to be the best expression of yourself for you and your family.
our technique
There are many different ways to get a chiropractic adjustment. In our office, we use state-of-the-art technology to determine where your health issues or child’s health issues stem from. We then use very specific and gentle adjustments by hand or with gentle instruments to restore proper nervous system function. Our approach is tailored to specialized care plans to help change and transform the youngest of newborns to the tired, stressed out moms.